Call for Late Breaking Reports
All deadlines are 23:59:59 Pacific Time
**All deadlines are 23:59:59 Pacific Time
Important Dates:
- Submission Deadline:
June 2, 2024 → June 8, 2024
- Notification of Acceptance:
June 22, 2024
- The papers must be submitted using the standard RO-MAN templates with a limit of minimum 2 pages and maximum 4 pages including references. The PDF files must be submitted through the papercept portal:
- Language: English
Submission Guideline
Dear colleagues,
We are very pleased to invite you to submit your papers for Late Breaking Reports Sessions at the 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, which will take place at the Pasadena Convention Center in Pasadena, California, USA, from August 26th to 30th, 2024.
The theme of the IEEE RO-MAN 2024 is “Embracing Human-Centered HRI”.
The annual conference serves as a platform for researchers to showcase cutting-edge innovations and present state-of-the-art findings across a diverse spectrum of topics related to Robot and Human Interactive Communication.
The Late Breaking Reports Poster Session encourages prospective authors to present their interesting work in progress to be visible to the community, and get the feedback and visibility. Our aim is to provide a great opportunity for researchers to present their most recent reports and work-in-progress, and/or indicate your insights to the future.
Accepted papers will be made available to audiences through interactive (poster) sessions, through the whole conference, which will allow more time and space for deeper interaction with researchers. Exact format for presenting your final work will be notified to you at appropriate time prior to the event.
All accepted papers will NOT be included in the IEEE proceedings of the conference, and will not be submitted to IEEE for inclusion in the Xplore database, such that the authors retain the copyright of their papers to further develop them into an improved full paper in other venues. Do not miss this chance to share your interesting new findings with the community.
Please visit the official website www.ro-man2024.org for more information.
All submissions will be reviewed through a completed process to ensure a certain level of quality is maintained in the papers accepted for inclusion.
For any questions and further information about the Late Breaking Reports Sessions, please email us at:
IEEE RO-MAN 2024 Organizing Committee
*** Late Break Reports Session Chairs ***
Gaofeng Li, Shiguang Ni, and Chris Reardon